Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Catching up

Sheesh, I keep forgetting to post at night....I have been busy studying at night...but its not really a good excuse. So! Saturday I walked/ran 2 miles, and did the Saturday's workout (ouch), can't remember the food to write it down...but I behaved....Sunday I weighed in and I've lost 6lbs so far! Weee! :) Walked/ran 2 miles and of course can't remember the food to write it down but I behaved...and we got snow on Sunday! They were only calling for 1-3 inches by the end of the forcasting.....AND of course they were wrong. :) 8 inches! I have very happy children. :)
Monday I decided not to work out because there was snow. And I couldn't really go out. Instead we took the kids sledding. And of course I can't think of the food, but I know I behaved.

Tuesday....we still had snow and they delayed school for my daughter which then meant my son had no school....I was going to just do nothing but I felt like that wasn't a good reason for not exercising. I pulled out my WII fit plus game, fired up the free run and jogged in place, ran around the room...essentially looking like an idiot for over 2 miles. Then I did the Monday workout because I was completing not thinking. (Doesn't matter, they all suck) But I worked out and was happy about it. :)
Breakfast:oatmeal with banana and walnuts, coffee
Lunch: black bean, onion, water chestnut and cheddar cheese quesadilla and iced tea
Snack: banana p.b. smoothie
Dinner: pork chop, potatoes, green beans, mushrooms...I through half of it away...I wasn't really feeling it...water

So today! I ran almost the whole two miles! I stopped after 4 songs...which is roughly 1 1/2 miles and walked for half a song then said, screw it.....and ran the rest. I will probably be sore tomorrow but I felt pretty good doing it and I didn't have any problems breathing. That was huge. I remember when I started walking the two miles and added running for one song, I could barely make it through the song without feeling like I was going to have an asthma attack. Now I'm was winded by the end but not feeling like an attack was coming! That's good progress!
And I did the Wednesday workout. I really hate the jumping jacks....I'm just saying...:)

I will post tonight (hopefully) about my meals :)

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