Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day far so good.

Well, I've made it to day three! So far so good.

Breakfast: brown sugar oatmeal with half a banana, 10oz coffee, 1tbsp creamer, 2 tsp sugar

Snack....i didn't have time!!!! That sucked cuz I was hungry. (made up for it with lunch)

Lunch: 1 lasagna cup (lasagna in a muffin form), caesar salad, one parmesan knot (crescant roll with parmesan cheese and spices on it).......oh yeah, and two oreo truffles. :)~

Snack : 10oz coffee, 1tbsp creamer, 2tsp sugar......couple chips (again, I'm weak)

Dinner: 1 lasagna cup and caesar salad, sweet tea.

Exercise: 2 mile walk on the greenway, yoga arms DVD, 40 sit-ups on ball
(I have to say that I do get the reason for yoga...its really good at getting you to be flexible and another way to work your core....but OMG. The lady on the DVD talks is such a way that its supposed to calm you so you can be in a happy place while you bend in crazy positions. But I have to tell you, she makes me want to punch the screen! Her voice is literally like nails on a chalk board. Sigh.

Tomorrows another day. :)

I do know that I need to watch what I eat more, but for now adding exercise is a big step. :)

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